What is a Beauty Journal and why is it useful? Today I’ll help you understand what is a Beauty Journal or a Beauty Planner (also known as a Skincare Planner), how it can be useful, and how to use one.
Writing down what you need to do is something that has been proven to help you achieve your goals, so why should it be different when you’re thinking about your well-being and your beauty and skincare routine? When you write about the steps to take to help you have healthy skin, it will be very helpful that you keep track of what you need to do every day.
What is a Beauty journal / Beauty Planner?
So basically a beauty journal is a journal in which you can write about your beauty and self-care moments: you can plan your skincare routine, plan your hair or body care routine, keep positive with affirmations and even plan your DIY recipes and next products to buy.
A beauty journal will help you plan your skincare, hair, and body care so you can be the best version of yourself. Some beauty planners also include a space for writing your affirmations, I’m a big believer in affirmations that can help us keep positive and on track in our self-esteem journey. The affirmations part is available in a planner like the one you see in the photos of this blog post, which was developed by myself and it’s available on Amazon worldwide.
On a beauty journal, you will have the space to write all the steps and products of your skincare routine (morning and evening), so you always remember to apply them all, as well as writing down the steps you should apply only twice or once a week, for example.

For whom is a Beauty Journal / Beauty Planner?

Did you ever feel confused if you should have applied a face mask last Tuesday or Wednesday? When should you do it again?
Well, this is one of the problems a beauty journal can help you solve! Especially if it’s a beauty journal with an illustrated planner like this one, in which you can simply write all the products and the days you should be applying them.
This Beauty Journal was created by myself (Manu Luize) and it’s available for sale on Amazon (links to all countries below), being a beauty blogger for so many years, I learned so much about skincare and skincare routine that I understand it’s easy to feel confused about how and when to apply your skincare products and how to be consistent. And that’s why I created this beauty journal / beauty planner so you can analyze how your skin is at the moment as your first step, then you can write everything on a beautiful planner to keep track of your skincare routine.
That’s why a beauty and skincare planner can help you achieve your skin and beauty goals because it will help you get everything organized and on track.
What will you find in this Beauty Planner?
This beauty journal was created to be used for a whole year, but it has no written dates on it, so you can start at any time of the year (and any year) and just fill in the blanks. You will find it’s divided into 4 different sections: one for each season of the year.
When we talk about skincare, we need to remember that our skin has a cycle, so when we try a new skincare product, we need to try it for at least 4 weeks to start seeing its effects and benefits. That’s why you shouldn’t be changing your skincare routine every other day, give it time to see its effects! Therefore, when creating this planner I decided to divide it by season because our skin can also change according to the time of the year and the average temperature.
• Inside of each season you will find:
• One page to check how’s your skin and fill in your answers
• 3 pages to write your Skincare Routine, dividing by morning and evening with days of the week to mark when to use each product
• 1 page for Hair Care (divided by weekly and every 2 weeks)
• 1 page for Body Routine (divided by weekly and every 2 weeks)
• 1 page to write any DIY recipes you would like to try
• 1 page to write your Wish List
• 1 page to write your Affirmations
How to use this Beauty Planner?

The first step is to think about how your skin is at the moment: is it too dry? Too oily? Do you need to focus on anti-aging products? Are you having any acne problems?
After you think about how’s your skin, you can think about which products and routines you will prepare for the next weeks. So you can write all the products you will be applying during the whole week, divided my morning and night and according to each day of the week.
If you need to change anything in your skincare routine over the course of the season, you will always find 3 pages of skincare routine for each season. So If you’re focusing on a treatment during the first month and you need to change anything in the second month, you can easily do it on the following pages.
After that, you’re ready to write any product you should apply for your Haircare, and body routine, as well as write any DIY recipes you would like to try. You will also find a page to write your wish list and keep track of any new products you would like to try and buy, as well as a page on which you can write your affirmations to repeat during the season.
This beauty planner is available in 4 different colors, so if pink is not your thing, you can also buy it in violet, blue or green. Below you will find the links to purchase each color in different countries.
Where to buy the Pink Beauty Planner:

- Pink Available on Amazon US $9.90 🇺🇸
- Pink Available on Amazon IT €11.61 🇮🇹
- Pink Available on Amazon SP €11.61 🇪🇸
- Pink Available on Amazon DE €11.01 🇩🇪
- Pink Available on Amazon FR €11.26 🇫🇷
- Pink Available on Amazon UK £8.88 🇬🇧
- Pink Available on Amazon CA $12.58 🇨🇦
Where to buy the Blue Beauty Planner:

- Blue Available on Amazon US $9.90 🇺🇸
- Blue Available on Amazon IT €11.61 🇮🇹
- Blue Available on Amazon SP €11.61 🇪🇸
- Blue Available on Amazon DE €11.01 🇩🇪
- Blue Available on Amazon FR €11.26 🇫🇷
- Blue Available on Amazon UK £8.88 🇬🇧
- Blue Available on Amazon CA $12.58 🇨🇦
Where to buy the Green Beauty Planner:

- Green Available on Amazon US $9.90 🇺🇸
- Green Available on Amazon Italy €11.61 🇮🇹
- Green Available on Amazon Spain €11.61 🇪🇸
- Green Available on Amazon DE €11.01 🇩🇪
- Green Available on Amazon FR €11.26 🇫🇷
- Green Available on Amazon UK £8.88 🇬🇧
- Green Available on Amazon CA $12.58 🇨🇦
Where to buy the Violet Beauty Planner:

- Violet Available on Amazon US $9.90 🇺🇸
- Violet Available on Amazon IT €11.61 🇮🇹
- Violet Available on Amazon SP €11.61 🇪🇸
- Violet Available on Amazon DE €11.01 🇩🇪
- Violet Available on Amazon FR €11.26 🇫🇷
- Violet Available on Amazon UK £8.88 🇬🇧
- Violet Available on Amazon CA $12.58 🇨🇦
This beauty planner was developed and designed by myself (Manu Luize), if you have any suggestions, please let me know. I’d love to hear your feedback, feel free to contact me on the blog or to leave an honest review when you buy it. 🙂