Nivea Creme Review

Manu Luize
4 Min Read
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The Nivea Creme is one of those products that is very budget-friendly and so useful to always have around. Famous for its tin packaging, it’s one of those products that I’m always using and repurchasing, I use it all year round, after all, it is a multipurpose product and a very versatile one.

The Nivea Creme is a body and face cream that’s a more concentrated moisturizer and is suitable for all skin types. But it’s not that kind of moisturizer you put on the whole body, I use it on the parts where the skin is usually drier, like on the heels.

Nivea Creme: Review and Some Tips

Nivea creme Review
Nivea Creme is no less than 100 years old!
What the brand says:

Its formula contains high content of glycerin and Eucerit, a unique moisturizing natural ingredient for the skin. It has a high level of hydration and is not comedogenic, and can be used on all parts of the body and face by children and adults.

How I use the Nivea Creme

The brand says that the product can be used on any part of the body or even the face (just be very careful if you have oily skin, do not put it all across your face!), I’ll tell you a bit about how I use this product and its results.
I advise using it mainly on the drier regions of the body, as it is a more concentrated moisturizer, more like the texture of butter products, and not as thin as a lotion.
Nivea Creme Review
Another use of this product that I began to make some time ago was to use it on the lips too, I bought it here in Italy on a cold winter in which I had just arrived from Brazil and I had forgotten to bring a lip balm. With the cold, my lips were starting to get drier, when I saw a tin of Nivea Cream on the market soon I thought: I think that’s gonna solve my problem! And I actually really liked the results that I apply it every night until today, regardless of the season, I take a little of the product to apply on my lips before bed or sometimes twice a day if my lips are too dry in the winter.

That same winter also I decided to apply it to some points of my face, like in the tip of the nose that began to peel a little bit because of the cold weather, and in a few days, it had already helped enough to make my skin hydrated and normal again. Just be very careful not to apply this cream everywhere in your face, do not exaggerate and do not apply where it’s not needed, so you can avoid some overhydration and not run the risk of appearing a pimple anywhere.

Nivea creme review

On the heels, I apply this cream every single night, regardless of the season or if I already had a moisturizing lotion after having a shower, I still always apply this cream before bed every night. It helps to keep the heel moisturized and soft, of course, if the skin is already too dry, it’s not going to make a miracle and solve the problem overnight, but with continued use of the product, it makes your skin softer again. If that’s your situation, I recommend going for a feet scrub first and then use the Nivea Cream to keep it soft later.

Where to buy the Nivea Creme

Nivea creme review

* This product was bought by myself and here is my true and honest review.

Posted by Manu Luize
Manu Luize is a fashion and beauty blogger with over 10 years of experience. As an expert in fashion and beauty, she has been writing about chic outfits, stunning nail art, amazing decor tips, and great travel destinations.